Bought-and-paid “Republican” candidates will say anything to get your vote. They claim to be MAGA and Conservative. They say they are endorsed by DeSantis and connected to Trump. They promise to STOP BIDEN’s INVASION. One even claims to be a good cop.
Don’t be fooled by glossy postcards, tv ads, texts, and emails talking about national issues. Look for Republicans who address our LOCAL problems:
the beach parking garage that removes free parking
the dissolution of the island cities so developers can transform our pristine beaches
the disregard for wetland buffers, flooding, and water pollution
restricting citizens from calling in for public comments or commenting on county social media pages
the move to build a Tent City in Manatee County with an NGO that is facilitating the invasion at the border
Manatee County is suffering because candidates are chosen by developers, funded with massive amounts of money to send out marketing to “buy” your vote.
It continues because only 25% of registered Republicans show up to vote in the August primary!
This guide shows the candidates who are NOT “bought and paid for.” Candidates who refused to use the developers’ dirty political consultant (who is sending all the trashy mailers and political ads).
Please show up to the PRIMARY election on August 20 and choose Republicans of the PEOPLE, not PUPPETS of the developers.
VOTE on August 20, 2024 and SAVE MANATEE COUNTY from developer controlled candidates.